Yad Vashem, the First Station & the King David Hotel

I took a cab way across town this morning to go to Yad Vashem, the holocaust center/memorial/museum.  I was reluctant to go -- where on a vacation to fit in the contemplation of the murder of over 6 million people? -- and all I'll say about that is that I'm not the world's greatest multitasker and it is not easy for me.  It's a stunning site, the curation of history and objects seems flawless and it's a crowded scene.  I did have one particularly fresh experience in the Art of the Holocaust exhibit, which was far enough off the tour-guided experience that there was only one person in the exhibit with me.  They've collected works and stories from artists who created work while in concentration camps, and it's work that I hadn't seen before from artists whose creativity somehow sustained them in however long they had before they were murdered.

My day, from that 3 hour start of immersive sadness, was only going to be improved by getting out into fresh air and sunshine.   As I was planning this trip, people I know had recommended the King David Hotel.  I'd asked my travel planner to find clean, safe and basic/inexpensive accommodations for me, so I definitely wasn't staying there, but I did want to see it.  I decided to walk from my hotel to the King David, about a 35-40 minute walk, that included a rails-to-trails path through Jerusalem's first (former) train station.

First Station is now a foodie/crafts/amusement park destination and I was glad to know I'd be returning there for dinner that evening.  There's a Breizh cafe there, a place I'd enjoyed in Paris, and if it wasn't going to ruin my dinner, I would have gotten a buckwheat crepe on my way through the station.  The history of the station and its role during the growth of the city, World Wars and Middle Eastern politics is told with vintage photos on posters and signs.  

Continuing past, I came to the King David Hotel. It's very lavish and the lobby and bar and restaurant are all very beautiful.  It was, though, a nice day outside and I didn't want to linger inside!   The bartender made me a cocktail that I took out to the patio and I scribbled away in a sketch pad while slowly sipping a drink.  The view from the patio is fine!

Walking back to First Station, I stopped at the Moses Montefiore windmill.  After driving past it on the way to and from the old city, it was interesting to see it up close.  Built in 1857, the windmill was intended  by the well-meaning Montefiore to provide a livelihood for the poor, who could use its power to grind wheat into flour.  My guide Elana had told me that it never really lived up to that promise and although it's been renovated, it apparently doesn't doesn't turn. 

I got back to First Station as the lights were coming on at the amusement park rides and took my seat in Adom restaurant much earlier than my reservation.  I had a fine dinner -- this would be a fun place to go with other people so you could try more things -- and then walked back to the hotel so I could get ready to pack and hit the road tomorrow. 


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